Designed by legendary guitarist Earl Slick... Slick Guitars represents an entirely new approach to building roadworthy, great sounding instruments. 

They look roadworn because we don't lay on a thick glossy finish, only to "relic" it to look old. No, we use a thin layer of automotive paint, sand it back to reveal the wood- let those pores breathe! We use solid BILLET BRASS bridge, knob and strap buttons and bronze geared, brass keyed tuning machines.

 Even the pickups are bespoke "Slick" designs, hand aged and magnetically degaussed to create the "sag" so desired in vintage pickups. There's NOTHING like these and NOTHING close to the price.



Hits: 59321

 Over the years Earl Slick has shared the stage with some of the finest bass players of our era. 

Finally Slick lends his unique vision to Bass Guitars. Introducing the Slick SLPB.

For sheer quality nothing can match this bass at anything remotely near our price!

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Hits: 90344

The classic Double Cut, Twin Pickup formula done up Slick Style! 
What's the formula for incredible Guitar sound?? Oh how about using the BEST wood... The BEST hardware...The BEST tuners....The BEST pickups...And finish it off with the thinnest finish, hand massaged to give you the warm, silky, old-school feel of a guitar that's been on tour for a while. 

Yeah that's how we do it.

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Hits: 103419

The classic LP formula done up Slick Style!

What's the formula for incredible LP sound?? Oh how about using the BEST wood... The BEST hardware...The BEST tuners....The BEST pickups...And finish it off with the thinnest finish, hand massaged to give you the warm, silky, old-school feel of a guitar that's been on tour for a while. 
Yeah that's how we do it.

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Hits: 108794

Want a guitar with the traditional Tele layout... but with more Tone? You want the SL51! What's the formula for incredible Tele sound?? Oh how about using the BEST wood... The BEST hardware...The BEST tuners....The BEST pickups...And finish it off with the thinnest finish, hand massaged to give you the warm, silky, old-school feel of a guitar that's been on tour for a while. 

Yeah that's how we do it.

As desire be porridge in life sovaldi cost decides to each human after sovaldi price are well thought and made the right choice.

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Hits: 104246

Want a guitar with the traditional Strat layout... but with more Sustain, Balls and Tone? You want the SL57!What's the formula for incredible Strat sound?? Oh how about using the BEST wood... The BEST hardware...The BEST tuners....The BEST pickups...And finish it off with the thinnest finish, hand massaged to give you the warm, silky, old-school feel of a guitar that's been on tour for a while. 

Yeah that's how we do it.

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Hits: 156338

The Slick SL50 is like a Tele on STEROIDS.

What's the formula for incredible Tele sound?? Oh how about using the BEST wood... The BEST hardware...The BEST tuners....The BEST pickups...And finish it off with the thinnest finish, hand massaged to give you the warm, silky, old-school feel of a guitar that's been on tour for a while. 
Yeah that's how we do it.

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$ 229.00
Hits: 105021

The classic Double Cut formula done up Slick Style!

What's the formula for incredible Guitar sound?? Oh how about using the BEST wood... The BEST hardware...The BEST tuners....The BEST pickups...And finish it off with the thinnest finish, hand massaged to give you the warm, silky, old-school feel of a guitar that's been on tour for a while. 
Yeah that's how we do it.

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